Deep Conversation

by - February 22, 2021

Deep conversation involves sharing beliefs you have developed through long-term poking and prodding and honing while superficial conversations involve regurgitating information. Sharing the belief that developed through critical analysis you are giving a view into the way you view the world.

 It is called deep conversation because you share a fundamental aspect of yourself. To build a strong connection between people, we need more than an hour on different topics that concern life, and the energy will slowly build up trust within each other. 

I am blessed to have a few friends that I can share almost everything about me. It also depends on that person. I would love to have a conversation according to the energy that I received. 

It probably a pleasure to feel the same depth with intellectual people. The more you spend your time with people who love to read, indirectly you become part of them. The key is always to be supportive and open-minded to develop a strong connection between both parties.


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