Social Distancing or Physical Distancing Which Term Are We Closed Too?
we’re living the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been covering our
mouths, washing our hands and practising “social distancing.” But the
conversation is shifting from “social distancing” towards “physical distancing”.
this term change? It is because of the unseen impact of social distancing and
isolation on our mental health and emotional well being. Knowing the difference
can help us improve our mental health during these unprecedented times.
World Health Organisation (WHO) would be the first one who has started using
the phrase "physical distancing" instead of "social
distancing" as a way to prevent the spread of the novel corona virus from
people to people, a move widely welcomed by experts as a step in the
"right direction".
a daily news briefing on March 20, officials of the global health body said
while maintaining a physical distance was "absolutely essential" amid
the global pandemic, "it does not mean that socially we have to disconnect
from our loved ones, from our family.
if we used the social distancing term, we are more likely refer to create a physical
space between one another and avoiding large gatherings and it slightly close
to isolation ourselves instead of communicate and deal with our friends via
my opinion, as student who had experiencing these new norms. I would say the
best term is physical distancing because of we still manage to attend the
classes and communicate with friends via Skype or another social platform.